Heartland Payment Systems may be back in VISA’s good graces as PCI-Compliant, but the impact of the breach continues to emerge.
Leonard Hayhurst of Coshocton Tribune reports that Ohio Heritage Bank was alerted over the weekend that 800 debit cards were compromised due to the breach. Of the 800 cards, 15 showed fraudulent charges.
VISA gave banks and credit unions until May 19 to file claims for reimbursement for part of any losses. It is not clear whether VISA is still notifying financial institutions of compromised card numbers. An inquiry to VISA has not yet been answered.
Update: According to a source close to VISA, Visa completed notifying financial institutions about card numbers at risk “a while ago.” It would seem then, that financial institutions claiming that they were “recently” or “just” notified are not referring to notification by VISA. These may be cases where financial institutions were monitoring numbers for signs of misuse and then either decided to replace cards before the May 19 deadline for submitting claims, or have only recently detected evidence of actual misuse of cards.