The other day they were claiming that there was no personal data involved, so I didn’t even mention the incident on my blogs. What a difference a day makes.
Matt Franklin reports:
Personal information of almost 2,000 Hurley Medical Center patients may be in the wrong hands this afternoon because the hospital says it is missing a laptop.
While the computer does not contain sensitive information like social security numbers and insurance information, it does have on it other private medical history for 1,938 patients.
“I also want to publicly apologize on behalf of Hurley for this breach,” said Patrick Wardell, Hurley President and CEO.
Wardell says an employee noticed it was missing from a locked room on the 6th floor, the Pulmonary Unit, back in May.
“On the laptop is information from 2007 to the present. It had their name, their height, their weight, their birthday, their medical record number, and test results,” Wardell said.
The computer stored the results of tests that monitors the lung functions.
Read more on ABC.