I’m not sure I understand what’s gone on here, but MidHudson News reports:
City Manager Michael Ciaravino’s decision to wipe out all of the data on Newburgh’s cloud has prompted Councilwoman Cindy Holmes to demand an investigation.
Holmes noted that as a result of the manager’s decision, she lost her two years of city information and personal notes.
Ciaravino said he had reason to order the information from all council members deleted.
“It had to be done immediately,” Ciaravino said during a workshop session of the council Thursday night. “This had been going on for months. I would look on my own devices and I was told my location was being shared by Michael Vatter, my location was being shared with Cedric Brown, my location was being shared with other select council people. I would reset my own settings on my own phone and turn around and it was changed again. This had gone on for a number of months where I kept asking for it to be addressed.”
So a city manager just wiped out all the city’s data? Do they have local backup? Did the manager suspect that the cloud database had been compromised to alter settings on sharing?
This is really puzzling. How much city data was on the cloud server and what kinds of data were up there? I hope MidHudson News follows up on this one and reports more details and follow-up.
Read more on MidHudson News.