“Unu” of HackersBlog reports that they have been able to access at least one of UK telecom BT’s databases through SQL injection:
A faulty parameter, improperly sanitized opens the vault to the pretious databases. One can gain access to such ordinary things as personal data, login data, and the like. In the first syntax I concatenated the table names as well as the version and the user of the database.
One of the screenshots from a subdomain on BT.com purportedly shows “login data and personal data (email, active, lastloggedin, firstname, surname, address, town, postcode, level, randomkey, password) for some of the registered users.”
They indicate that they have more to report, but “…. first we need to see reported vulns patched. We don’t want to put BT clients in danger by providing sensitive informations and hints to a potential attacker.”
Update of 3-11-09: See BT.com’s rebuttal, which was provided to The Register.