In the justice system:
- Thomas Alan Thompson, a preacher at Calvary Baptist Church, was arrested and charged with identity theft after allegedly
prayingpreying upon his congregation. More. - Janice Washington, a Registry of Motor Vehicles employee working at the Braintree branch was arrested on March 19 on federal identity theft charges for selling genuine birth certificates and SSN to undocumented aliens. More.
- Charlie Blount Jr. was sentenced to 4 years in prison and ordered to pay $34,000 in restitution for his role in the scheme to obtain credit card numbers, bank account numbers, Social Security numbers and other information from AOL subscribers. More.
- Martin R. Bowling is still waiting to learn whether he may get alternate sentencing. The former chief technical officer with Comar Inc. and its subsidiary Vec3, was sentenced to three years in prison earlier this month, after admitting he used stolen credit card numbers to purchase Cuban cigars, artwork, movie tickets and other merchandise on the Internet. He swiped the credit card names and numbers in in 2006 from a wood-crafting magazine subscription database. More.
- It’s all in the family. Mother and son Tonia and Michael Cheeseman are accused of running a family identity theft business. The mother worked at an unnamed Long Island doctor’s office where she allegedly stole information from patient files. More.