OCR has updated its web site of reported breaches to now include the VA breach being reported in the news this week, as well as other breaches. Breaches not previously reported in the media or on this site are tagged with asterisks, below:
Veterans Health Administration
State: District of Columbia
Business Associate Involved: Heritage Health Solutions
Approx. # of Individuals Affected: 656
Date of Breach: 4/22/10
Type of Breach: Theft
Location of Breached Information: Laptop
Note: Although OCR’s web site lists D.C. as the state, media reports on Congressional hearings report that the incident occurred in Texas. HHS’s web site was subsequently updated to indicate:
A laptop was stolen from an employee of the business associate. The computer contained the protected health information (PHI) of 656 individuals. The PHI involved in the breach included names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and medication information. In response to this incident, the covered entity took steps to enforce the requirements of its business associate agreement with Heritage Health. The business associate installed encryption software on all employee computers, strengthened access controls including passwords, reviewed and updated security policies and procedures, and made improvements to the physical security of the building. In addition, the responsible employee was counseled, and all employees received additional security training.
** Private Practice Heriberto Rodriguez-Ayala, M.D.
City and State: McAllen, Texas
Approx. # of Individuals Affected: 4,200
Date of Breach: 4/03/10
Type of Breach: Theft
Location of Breached Information: Laptop
HHS’s web site was subsequently updated to include the doctor’s name and a description of the incident:
An unencrypted laptop computer was stolen from a personal vehicle. The laptop computer contained the protected health information of approximately 4,200 individuals. The protected health information involved in the breach included names, addresses, phone numbers, dates of birth, Social Security numbers, treatment histories, and some drivers’ license numbers. The covered entity notified the affected individuals and the media. Following the breach, the covered entity implemented new policies and procedures, retrained staff, and installed encryption software on all workstations.
** Georgetown University Hospital
State: District of Columbia
Approx. # of Individuals Affected: 2,416
Date of Breach: 3/26/10
Type of Breach: Theft, Other
Location of Breached Information: E-mail, Portable Electronic Device
Note: I could not find any notice of this breach linked from GUH’s home page or in their news releases.
State of New Mexico Human Services Department, Medical Assistance Division
State: New Mexico
Business Associate Involved: DentaQuest
Approx. # of Individuals Affected: 9,600
Date of Breach: 3/20/10
Type of Breach: Theft
Location of Breached Information: Laptop
** Rockbridge Area Community Services
State: Virginia
Approx. # of Individuals Affected: 500
Date of Breach: 3/12/10
Type of Breach: Theft
Location of Breached Information: Laptop, Desktop Computer
Note: RACS posted a copy of their notification letter to clients on their web site, here. The letter indicates that computers stolen from a fire-damaged building contained unencrypted names, Social Security Numbers, and other confidential information. RACS provides mental health, substance abuse, and prevention services.
Updated 1-29-11 to add name and incident details on two breaches.