Unidentified persons broke into a school hall in Hadapsar and decamped with two laptops, two web cameras and a pen drive in the early hours of Saturday. Investigations have revealed that the laptops contained the data of around 150 persons collected as part of the Central government’s Aadhaar (UID) project. A complaint has been lodged by Pankaj Shisode with the Hadapsar police.
Assistant inspector S S Chavan said Shisode is a supervisor with a private agency, which has been appointed for collecting data of the residents for the UID. “The agency was given a place at the Indira Gandhi Sanskritik Bhavan in Bunter school by the divisional office,” Chavan said.
He said Shisode had kept the items in the hall. “on Saturday, unidentified persons broke the wooden door of the hall and disappeared with the items,” Chavan said.
Source: Times of India
In looking into this incident, I had discovered that this was not the first case of a stolen laptop containing information on residents being signed up for the UID project. Another laptop theft was reported on April 25 of this year; that one contained information on 25,000 people.