Note: anything that we have missed please contact us. Anonymous today made history with a string of website being taken offline for long period of time in a coordinated attack on Orlando city government based websites, This attack is part of Operation Orlando, an Anonymous operation to feed to homeless without fear of arrest from police and a city permit that imposes a limits. more on operation Orlando here. these attacks have been planned for today as its the 4Th July Independence day in America, this will make a huge impact on allot of services. If the limit had removed its permits and limits on feeding homeless people then these attacks probably would never off taken place. blame the city. The attacks today was also driven by a contest "The Orlando Bowl" Whoever can DDoS or deface the most will be judged the 2011 Champion Hacker of the Orlando Cup.. notable tweets from twitter OpOrlando2011,
o far we have taken down 2 targets today, which we will keep down until the hamburgers are cooked later this afternoon. and are now smoking craters in cyber space. We will keep you all posted here as the contest progresses. Hey smiling Buddy Dyer someone in #OpOrlando has a message for you sir: Pew Pew Pew Happy 4th Op Orlando, grab your key board, a cold beer and package of firecrackers and hack for freedom and WIN the first ever Orlando Bowl. The Orlando Bowl & Cup Hackfest is dedicated to all the brave FNB volunteers who stand to get arrested and to Keith McHenry still in jail. Two additional Targets DOWN in today’s exciting Orlando Bowl & Cup Hackfest – and This is in addition to which remains DOWN. Join us today in #OpOrlando and compete to win ! The Orlando Bowl & Cup Hackfest is dedicated to all the brave FNB volunteers who stand to get arrested and to Keith McHenry still in jail.
Listed in order of take down, these sites stay offline for quite a few hours in the well coordinated attack. tango down proof