A press release posted to Pastebin yesterday read:
Over the last 2 months we have pushed the exposure of hundreds of pages of articles detailing Monsanto’s corrupt, unethical, and downright evil business practices. We’ve created a nice go-to reference guide on piratepad/anonpad(anonpad.org/opmonsanto, backed up elsewhere), where anyone can read up on and add their own info about MonsantoCo.
We blasted their web infrastructure to shit for 2 days straight, crippling all 3 of their mail servers as well as taking down their main websites world-wide. We dropped dox on 2500+ employees and associates, including full names, addresses, phone numbers, and exactly where they work. We are also in the process of setting up a wiki, to try and get all collected information in a more centralized and stable environment. Not bad for 2 months, I’d say.
What’s next? Not sure… it might have something to do with that open 6666 IRC port on their nexus server though đ
Expect Us
Indeed. It seems some Monsanto employees’ and customers’ first and last names, email addresses and street addresses have been dumped on Pastee.org. But there was much more, it seems, as the hackers also posted over 2500 names, email addresses, street addresses, companies, and phone numbers.
Other messages from the hactivists have been reproduced on the Grow Switch Blog.