CPPS has seen its fair share of leaking lately, all coming from one paste bin account. Its unclear the motives behind this and also unclear exactly what CPPS is as there is so many companies with that acronym. but from the research ive done it seems to be Club Penguin Private Sever. Anyways these leaks are user information and raw sql tables. CPPS Leak #1 [Cracked Passwords] CPPS Leak #2 [Cracked Passwords] CPPS Leak #3 [Cracked Passwords] CPPS Leak #5 [Cracked Passwords] CPPS Leak #6 [Cracked Passwords] CPPS Leak #7 [Cracked Passwords] CPPS Leak #8 [CPPS Leak]Full list of CPPS leaks from paste bin user Stanley. If possible we would like to interview Stanley to find out the motives and exact source of this. More leaks may come, but we wont be reporting any more CPPS leaks un till we can speak to Stanley.
Even more CPPS data dumped, user account information
Category: Breach Incidents