A lot more CPPS leaks have surfaced, after the release of the 1st one a few weeks ago. Our first report was on the 13th, since then there has been a huge dump of data from CPPS. CPPS Leak #1 CPPS Leak #2 CPPS Leak #3 CPPS Leak #4 CPPS Leak #5 CPPS Leak #5 [Users-Only] CPPS Leak #6 CPPS Leak #6 [Users-only] CPPS Leak #7 CPPS Leak #7 [users] CPPS Leak #8 CPPS Leak #9 CPPS Databases [All] HPPS [OLD] https://pastebin.com/u/Stanley
More CPPS Leaks.
Category: Breach Incidents