Operation Antisecurity has had a fair few release’s this week, not all being as big as #FFF or the CNAIPIC, leaks. Vitrociset is Italys largest IT professionals giving IT security to the italian police and other high profile clients, the website ahs been hacked, defaced and had some data stolen. In the defacing, which si in italian, states that a child could fo broken into this system as it was not secure at all, that they should take more care of the server and security and to have a nice hot summer. They also make a note that this is NOT a terrorist attack of any kind. More on Vitrociset @ wikipedia content/images/gallery/antisecurity/vitrociset.png The data that has been leaked is admistration database, of usernames and passwords ( hashed of coarse ). So this just proves that #antisec is sailing strong even with all the rumor
Vitrociset hacked, defaced and data leaked by anonymous
Category: Breach Incidents