@CMDL1NE has been on a really big streak of hacking lately, and as we have said before they have a very different style of leaking the data, as u will see. No set types of sites im guessing just random ones again, and yeah as always only the DB have been leaked. Todays sites are: Great Offshore https://greatoffshore.com/ https://pastebin.com/ZV9tnd52 GEMS Education https://gemseducation.com/ https://pastebin.com/Zcsr7F0J https://scgp.com.cn/ https://pastebin.com/AxhFfh63 https://www.arpe.pe.gov.br/ https://pastebin.com/J6vnR8tn HSRC Press https://www.hsrcpress.ac.za/ https://pastebin.com/tnMCnKDm Universidad de Puerto Rico https://www.upr.edu/ https://pastebin.com/RgBKbjNR BLC-Studio https://blc-studio.com/ https://pastebin.com/GKPmBJiu SUSTAINABLE HEATING IRELAND https://sustainableheating.ie/ https://pastebin.com/uQK7xB2G https://somercourt.co.uk/ https://pastebin.com/DUNHbbwm https://valbruna.nl/ https://pastebin.com/Uh2dYazx https://yourblogging.nl/ https://pastebin.com/2SLzhq9b
@CMDL1NE breaches 11 more sites
Category: Breach Incidents