Well as promised, the Dominican court documents have started to leak out translated for all those (like me) who cant read English. Last week @NetBashers took control of the Dominican government servers and gained access to high court documents, from this we seen a full leak last week but in Spanish only, we also seen a lot of other government websites defaced and hacked by them as well in the attack. Today’s translated leak is a introduction to a murder case, ill let u read the translated information. We will be leaking these over the next week or so, stay tuned.
Notes From @NetBashers
Hello again, this is Net-Bashers beaming down to you with yet another leak, this one we do take full claim for; we took over a district attorneys server, and found multiple documents on a "murder" that took place, the documents are in Spanish but we are translating them for you to understand! Excuse any errors Keep in mind, this is a series of leaks; and this is just the introduction. There are things you won’t know just yet, but the entire deal is based on a murder, soon there will be the documents of the "suspects" interiogations. ### The translation
on behalf of the republic: us, Dr. Wilfredo Alvarado Mejia, instructoin jues of the first division in the national district; seen: the process under investigation in connection with the murder delgeneralfsimo and Dr. Rafael Leonidas Trujillo Molina, benefacdfa May thirtieth of the current year 1961, the auto track leading from the city trrujillo ciulad benemrita St. cirstobal RD; attack that the defendants who were referred to on the device on the car have been questioned in connection with the offenses he is charged; attack: that the magistrate of the distric attorney fiaal national being conaultado about whether or not you agree that prison is issued provisional warrant against accused di Rights has held that pro-Zionist proceed to issue provisional warrant against them; accordingly and saw the reformed Article 94 of ProCoder codigro criminal and subject to the () of the parts and instruments doeu process in question; order and command first: all Algua eil or agent of the public Furesø, the effect requred, v redusca lead him to prison in this capacity to the national victory peniteciarfa those appointed a) swift saldaha soto, crimones accused of tram models and concealment of criminals, have rights under the articles and we aanionades 60 61 62 87 88 89 oculacion the crime of criminal conspiracy, planned and man hecjo tions in the Article 62 of penal code second: requred, and the required effect of the fuersa depositrio tode published, lend their assistance for the execution of this writ of provisional prison: and: third, order, c omo ordnamos the effect that the provisional warrant of arrest is transmitted to the magistrate of the district attorney physeal national per our secrstario for the purpose from given and signed by us, jues of instruction of the first division in the National District, in our office located in a log apartamdento the second floor of the old courthouse in Ciudad Trujillo, National District, Dominican rebublica capital, the twenty-two diagnosed in June of the AFO 1961 (1961) We, dr Tejeda teedoro diaz, DA necional attorney, the undersigned Secretary osistidos: viewed the foregoing warrant of arrest and art. 27 Code of Criminal Procedure: require: the ministerial fernndo j. rosemary estrn algaeil of the second chamber penel, reporting and mendamiento prison ejecytar said the law will form established given: in Ciudad Trujillo, Distrito Nacional, Dominican rebublica captial ln, 22 diss Also in June 1961 afe – In Ciudad Trujillo, Distrito Nacional, Dominican Republic captial, at 22 days of June of 1900 sixty-one ane, at the request of District Attorney magistrade national prosecutor, I Frand Julio Romero algueil of bar of camaro s second honeycomb juagade of first instance district of national debidamento appointed Reiber and sworn to ejericio of my ministry, my home estn and residence in town, at home no 57, street chovalier Ercina, specifically I have moved to the national penitentiary is where detainees were processed swiftly oncuentran saldana soto, soto and aumerica altabeira wild saldana martinez, once thence, speaking with those expressed procendos as I have stated, I have notified and given a copy of the lease from prison dictndo mand by the magistrate judge’s first cireunscrieion instruction, dated 22 June of the AFO 1900 sixty-one .- — And I, the undersigned Sheriff, talking and actundo in the manner expressly left, so it swiftly notifier to saldana soto, soto and the Tabeirós saldana wild america martinez, leaving their hands full copy of imprisonment mondamiento dsl mentioned as well as the act presante Original leak https://www.net-bashers.org