A hacker going by the name of X-Nerd has hacked and defaced a very well known security software website. Panda Security which is well known for its Anti Security products has been proven to be lacking some security its self on the pakistan server. X-NerD Who recently claimed they are apart of the Pakistan Cyber Army team has left a mark on the website.
�� X-NerD 0wn3D Ya!!!
OoooOOPss…I am ShockeD At YouR SecuritY..S3cuR!tY L3vEL Z3r0…YOu Dont KnoW HOw To SecurRe Your AsS n Pr0vidinG SEcurity to 0therS…Big LauGh… ### GreeetZ: Aly Ahmady, Shadow008, Zombie_KsA, <=ShaK=>, Sn!pEr_iRaQi, Hmei7 and All Muslim HackeRs !!
Need Security Join: www.pakcyberarmy.net | www.hackall.net
So you have to ask your self how good is Panda Security? lulz. mega failz