On Tuesday, September 27, 2011, the College was notified that a password protected employee laptop that had been taken off campus the previous evening was missing. Believing that the computer could have been stolen, the employee contacted their local police department to investigate a possible theft. In addition, the College notified the NJ State Police of this matter in accordance with the “New Jersey Identity Theft Protection Act” and retained privacy experts to undertake the necessary notification and analysis in this matter.
The College utilizes security measures to protect the integrity of all student data in its possession and takes its responsibility to safeguard such data seriously. Although we are not aware of the improper use of any of the personal information, the name and social security number of some current and former students was contained on the password protected laptop and may be accessible to an unauthorized party.
Student and parent financial data were not stored on this computer. Neither the College nor law enforcement agencies have evidence that information from the laptop computer has been illegally accessed or that any campus systems have been breached. However, in an abundance of caution, we are advising the campus community of the loss or theft of the laptop and are providing information to protect against the possibility of identity theft.
On October 29, 2011, a letter was mailed to all affected students advising them of the possibility that their personal information was compromised. The College is providing a privacy phone line that is staffed with representatives specially trained to help students who receive this notification with any questions that they may have. Affected students may call this privacy line toll-free at 855-770-0002 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday through Friday. When prompted, they should enter the reference number printed on the notification letter they received, or if no notification letter was received, they should enter the following 10-digit reference number: 9278102811.
The College is offering the individuals whose personal information was on the laptop with one year of identity protection services at no cost to the students. Information regarding enrollment in such a program was included in the notification information to students. In addition, the College is recommending that all members of the community review the links below to better understand identity protection options available.
The Warren County Community College’s Board of Trustees, administration, and faculty take their obligation to safeguard the confidential data of the student body very seriously. The College directs an extensive amount of resources and time toward the protection of such information. We are deeply sorry for any inconvenience that this matter has caused to any member of our community.
Source: Warren County Community College