content/images/gallery/random2/ministry-of-interior-kuwait-news.png Its come to light from this website that the Kuwait government might be after anonymous users… well after a bit of digging around and a crap load of trying to get the translator to work finally found the original press release from the ministry of interior for Kuwait government. In the release which translates very badly doesn’t actually outline Anonymous users but more so outlines all users within the community that cause trouble ( that’s put in simple words) and users who may or do cause slander towards other users within the community.
The ministry said it had contacted the Ministry of Transportation to work to stop all accounts is unknown to Twitter and the Registrar the right issues and this will protect the rights of citizens and residents of the persons who routinely Tgeraham and slander them and their families under false names, which are crimes punishable by law
Proper Arabic source Loosely translated version below: > The Interior Ministry confirmed that it is not prejudice at all public freedoms of citizens, guaranteed to them by the Constitution as long as those practices are going according to the law and commitment, particularly with regard to the use of social networking sites on the Internet Twitter. The ministry said it had contacted the Ministry of Transportation to work to stop all accounts is unknown to Twitter and the Registrar the right issues and this will protect the rights of citizens and residents of the persons who routinely Tgeraham and slander them and their families under false names, which are crimes punishable by law. The Ministry of the Interior that this step comes in the context of the ministry’s keenness to preserve community values and respect for the law and stated that on both affected by actions of the owners of Twitter accounts recorded against issues quickly review the management of anti-cyber crime of the General Department of Criminal Investigations to verify it, and that no prejudice at all account holders of clear identity and that was recorded right issues, it is up and just judiciary is who would separate them. and warned Ministry of Interior at the same time all the Twitter users on social networking and the need for careful attention to compliance with laws and non-slip in cases of exposure to liability and penalties prescribed by them