A hacker going by the handle of @_T0x1c has alerted us to a hack they did that has exposed thousands of accounts from Israel based commercial websites. Now its as "OPfreepalestein" a operation which Team Poison started recently. As to weather this is truly "OPfreepalestein" is debatable and ill leave that up to you. The leaks come form two websites asif-bag.co.il and humor.co.il. The asif-bag.co.il leak contains thousands of accounts in the formaty of email/encrypted password. https://pastebin.com/EseSXH7U The leak from humor.co.il has thousands of accounts as well, in fact heaps more then the other one and is in the format of encrypted pass/username and email. https://pastebin.com/rbpTam10 in one of the notes they state they have many Israel targets left and there is more to come..
2x Commercial Israel based websites hacked and data leaked
Category: Breach Incidents