OK so it seems we have neglected to cover a lot of the data breaches and leaks and phishing that as been going on over the past month or so, so here is a lot all in one post. The follow leaks and accounts are not being published for hacking reasons more to show the public how much of this actually goes on "behind the scene", It also shows how insecure many websites are and how silly many people are for falling for phishing scams.
from 29th: Dump of encrypted accounts. https://pastebin.com/FghpFWjgfrom 28th: Dump of accounts from Team 3nigma contains administration information from 2x schools. https://pastebin.com/isBFNkZN Dump of accounts in Encypted password/email format. once again from Team 3nigma https://pastebin.com/w60Z5V3T Dump of cracked passwords. https://pastebin.com/dAEJp1y0from 27th: dump fo random accounts: https://pastebin.com/xtnehcCKfrom 26th: Big list of accounts, not sure how reliable this is tho. https://pastebin.com/NVJsUsMJfrom 25th: Dump of email list and some accounts from https://www.trakkerproducts.co.uk/ https://pastebin.com/BKTMzWsv so as we can see this is just a short bit of it, i wont be posting a lot as they contain personal information. If you feel your account has been breached remember you can use CTRL+F for quick search.