Kim Hynes reports:
The Department of Aging warns customers their personal information may be in jeopardy. Last week, a laptop computer, flash drive and paper files were stolen out of a locked vehicle used by an employee in Wichita.
The social security numbers of 100 people have been stolen. Those people are part of the Senior Care Act program. The Department of Aging says it’s tried to call those 100 people directly on the phone.
7,000 other seniors are at risk. Their social security numbers were not stolen, but other personal information was taken. Those seniors are participants in the Older American Act program including Meals on Wheels. This group will receive a letter from the Department of Aging.
The stolen data and documents may include full customer names, complete addresses, dates of birth, social security numbers, gender, in home services program participation information, Medicaid identification numbers, case management location and case manager names and telephone numbers. No banking, credit card, or driver license information was involved. All involved customers identified will be sent an individual letter explaining the situation and the department has attempted to notify those customers whose social security numbers were compromised by phone.
Read more on KWCH.