content/images/gallery/random3/sql-dump-sqli-no-security-pastebin-com_.png Hacked websites dump 22 by STK, See article here for full information, this is just a statistics and details post.
Results Valid Emails found: 114 Duplicate Emails found: 24 Email Types Hotmails:3 LiveMail:0 Gmails:54 Yahoos:2 and encrypted passwords., first/last name encrypted passwords accountslastname, firstname, encrypted passwords and emails accountusernames, password, email accountsusername, encrypted password, email and namehttps://www.templateshunt.com1 accountusername cleartext password.https://www.templetonsmithee.com2 acccountsusernames passwords. accountsusernames, emails, encrypted password accountusername, password accountusername, password, email accountsusername, emails and encrypted passwords. Leak: