A 15yo hacker who is part of D157UR83D crew has successfully hacked and obtained data from one of america’s biggest and most well known university’s, Harvard. now its not the first time we have seen harvard hacked but this proves that no matter who you are or how big you are hackers of all ages will come after you if your systems are exploitable.
D157UR83D crew ##################### Harvard university had a vulnerability on the email servers, PrOtOn exploited it and pulled a small amount of sent and received emails as proof. the awkward moment when a 15 year old hacks Harvard universities email server. dump: https://www.pastehtml.com/view/bofbubjrb.txt download dump: https://www.mediafire.com/?5tuborv74bn275u note: Harvard university has an endowment of 32 billion dollars and we still owned them.