content/images/gallery/random3/capture2.png RedHack have been a lot more public in recent weeks and one of the latest attacks is on a Turkish based police website which is for "Security General Directorate of Higher Education Student Dormitories." when poorly translated. The hack which has a main page article and redirect to a dropbox hosted page which features a few logos and a message in Turkish. content/images/gallery/random3/capture2.png deface page: translated message:
Hacked by REDHACK (Red Hackers Union)Reprimand should uslanmayani with Nus, is the one with the right Redhack’tir uslanmayanin!Geography "half-open" the house of the criminal-turning, creating a fear of the rich classes and their Empire ‘Current’ spokesman,the AKP government and its literally a "law enforcement" that transform into powerful uniformed " to the $ city "fa $ izmine against theinnocent people we leave here we to say This "small" carry out the action! Made legitimate Actions will then 17 people were detained, arrested and 7 of us, "an armed organization" made of thought as. One delilleri’de IRC taken "fake logs" playstation and music CDs .. Clear and unambiguous and over, will work with us if you dare! Innocent people, "he did facebookta sharing" terrorist estirmeyin, it karizmanizi If you continue to draw "more" We’ll continue!****On top of her shit, and you found out that the Police are going andiçinin "our" are coming upon us! And this is your "whom" show that you’ve service!Hacked by REDHACK (Red Hackers) [email protected]Special Thanks: Anonymous – AntiSec-Others (red activist group) and all Hacktivist! Andimiz ;)): people, Vicdanliyim, its mistake once in a while I do! Life; kucuklerimi understand, to question elders, homesick, the earth, the universe and so loving to my normal labor .. Which provides that the present $ O Anli the proletariat, the oppressed humanity! The road opened, his labor, and the people against the exploiters capable walks pointed towards the road to walk, without stopping, no matter what the classless, equal-just world without exploitation kuracagima swear .. Presence, get gift peoples of the world .. How happy MY PEOPLE! And .. : Despite everything, tirelessly serving the public, who pays the price for all revolutionary, democratic, patriotic, aydin brothers, ‘senior organization without distinction’ We send sincere greetings! In addition, "without a name" internet censorship suffered all the "idea" of this action, the owner want to gift sites! REDHACK Long live revolutionary solidarity, and his products! – (barrier) – irc.abjects . net # redhack "One of us can stop, but never all of us!" Since 97 Since 1997 REDHACK**Oppressed, is not disproportionate to my response garibanlara oriented prints, will be a proportionate response to! Remember: One of us will never stop, but all of us!We are "terrorists", but we are "armed", but yes, V International Conference! world peace, equality, justice, working to create a world without exploitation classless "peace" orgutuyuz! You can jail us, torture can, you can print but can not finish us! Because we koyluyuz the field, factory workers, we are those who are resisting and oppression of mothers yaslli, oppressed us and you are not strong enough to stop us! Oppressed digital war has just begun!Friendly, enemy verily everyone; the oppressed, the poor, garibanlara, those who seek the truth and the truth, the whole purpose of a hostile act toward people who are right with honorable people who show you sooner or later it will ask Account!**
Also recently the turkish government have banned redhack frm having sites so they have moved on to hosting content on a blogspot site. Remember to follow them on twitter. @r3dh4ck