@_Echel0n & @DeadMellox of #TeamGhostShell have hacked one of china biggest online university and dumped over 150k accounts across 11 files. The hack which was first announced via twitter and picked up by scmagazine.com.au set sights on the servers of Hangzhou Dianzi University and as a result they have leaked a huge amount of data via privatepaste and mirrored github which both contain user names, emails, passwords and is spread across 11 files. In the release is a simple reason for the hack, " www.acm.hdu.edu.cn – Programming University hacked by #TeamGhostShell because of the hilarious irony." The orginal announcement came from @DeadMellox account :
@ZonGo,@MurphySamanthaJ 150k+ accounts leaked Top Chinese Programming University Link: https://bit.ly/JXWUmc || Mirror:https://bit.ly/KB8QPQ