Over the past week or so two hackers have come out and made a name for them selves after carrying out some higher profile attacks that have grabbed the attention of the main media, a lot of people and the FBI. Today .c0mrade, the hacker who leaked 110k personal details from clarksvill and attacked many other sites has left the following message stating he is now going white hate.
Spex Security
@SpexSec We’re gone! Tada. Spex Security @SpexSec Just to let you know, Reckz0r & c0mrade worked together on the leaks, and every hack which SpexSec have done, We’re no-longer hackers.
More so that is interesting is that .c0mrade has claimed that another well known hacker who was recently arrested but who also recently released information on fox news servers, @hex has enlightened him to the white hat side. @Reckz0r has also quit the game at the same time and in his statement he makes an apology for the attacks he has done and for the innocent people that got caught up in it. Statement from .c0mrade
Hello, world. I’m here to announce my retirement from the scene. I am officially a white-hat. In my time, I’ve gotten into the hugest corporations in the world. These include: Navy, Habbo, Law.com, USA Today, Vietnam Airlines, Xbox, Microsoft, And much much more. I’ve also targeted hundreds of Terrorists, Cons, and Criminals. I did this to help out our government and backpack #Spexsec. I’ve got no disrespect appointed towards Scott of the Bureau, either. I have internal access to Vietnam Airlines and I plan on reporting it to the Devs. It’s endless, my people. I will use the resources I have to help people out. I want to give a shout out @Hex000101 for making me realize what I know could be used for good deeds. ANYBODY WHO NEEDS HELP, get ahold of me. I don’t care how.
Statement from Reckz0r
Hello world, I am Reckz0r. I was a former member of the hacktivist group known as Anonymous, UGNazi, and other paragons of hacking history. I made a group known as ‘SpexSecurity’. I’ve realized that I am doing this shit for nothing. I am officially..a whitehat. I will use my intelligence for good. I’ve done over 50 large hacks, and leaked many essential information, I am sorry if I harmed you, or affected your families. This is my departure from the hacking scene. I am no-longer a hacker, I’m a whitehat. twitter.com/Reckz0r