We have just been alerted to a hack that happened on Tuesday that was aimed at MTV Asia on twitter. The account appears to of been breached by a team of hackers using the handle Team Intricate. The attack has left some of the following messages and there has also been a screen shot sent to us of them logged in as @MTVasia
MTV asia has confirmed this on their Facebook page with the following statement.
Hi guys, our official Twitter account has been hacked. Please disregard all communications from the account until further notice. We apologize for any inconvenience caused. Watch this space for all official MTV Asia announcements.
Although they did the typical MTV thing and used it to promote a upcoming event. They not long ago posted an update that they have the account back in control, but once again they used this to promote.
Hello folks! Our Twitter is back in action! Remember to follow us as well as the #worldstagemy hashtag for more updates on MTV World Stage Live In Malaysia 2012! Passes are still being given away everyday so do log on to https://worldstage.mtvasia.com/ to score your passes now!