Karachi Gymkhana Club Pakistan has been hacked and defaced by silent-hack3r from Indishell.
Message to Porkies Lamers Just Back Off from Indian Cyber Space We have seen many kids like You Just defacing D grade sites Bunch of noobs What u think! You are only one here In this cyber space đ This is just the beginning we will destroy your cyber space Which is already destroyed And Special FucK Goes to Lamers of Pakistan Cyber Pigs ( PCP )….. We ar3 :- Ash3ll , Decod3r , Atul , Cyb3r.Pr3dat0r Godzilla , Code Breaker , X Parameter , Inrf Ninja , SileNt Hax0R , Manish , Dark Wolf , Neo .. Greetz :- to Yash Bhaiya , Jaguar Hacker Nyro Hacker , Shorty420 , Web Ruler , Xtremee Killar LoveTheRisk India , DarkSpirit Negative
At time of publishing the website was still currently defaced but you may find a mirror of the defacement here on arab-zone