Over the past few days Ugandan based websites have become a target due to a operation that has been kicked off by #GreySec. The operation is #OpFuckUganda and so far has left many sites hacked and defaced and offline from ddos. Today they have announced another string of sites that have been attacked and defaced, ddosed and minor data leaked. The sites range from private company’s to Uganda based hosting company’s. >
@Zer0Pwn: University of Makerere Hacked: https://po.st/QLeNLP#TheWikiBoat #OpFuckUganda @AnonPinkNinja@Cyber_War_News @TruthIzSexy
The leaked data comes from https://chs.mak.ac.ug/ University of Makeree and web hosting company https://www.tangerine.co.ug/ has been exposed as having vulns within their system. They also have defaced two sites, Uganda Organic Centre https://krorganic.org/ and a Uganda based telecoms service https://kittiagencies.com/ . At time of publishing both sites were still defaced. https://ozdc.net/archives.php?aid=2507 https://ozdc.net/archives.php?aid=2509 They have also been attacking the kkk again taking the site offline for a short period of time from ddos attacks, this isn’t the first time they have taken sights to them as they did it a few weeks ago as well. > Tibit @TibitXimer Ku Klux Klan https://www.kkk.com TANGO DOWN #Thewikiboat#FuckTheKlan @AnonIRC @AnonOpsSweden @Cyber_War_News@An0nKn0wledge @AnonUK