Two hackers have released a list of sites that have been recently attacked and left defaced. The two going by the names Pr4th4m & Jaguar claim the reason for these attacks as "This Hacked for the revenge of 13 July 2011 Terrorist attack by Pakistan on INDIA". The attacked sites all appear to have a common defacing which is located on the default suspended domain page. By means is this not a sophisticated or critical attack but it shows that kids from India and Pakistani are using the Internet to speak out for issues that happen "in real life". The list of sites was uploaded to pastebin
[#] Boom m/ [#] 310 Pakistani Websites Hacked By 17 Yrs old Pr4th4m and One Professional Hacker name as Jaguar Hacker This Hacked for the revenge of 13 July 2011 Terrorist attack by pakistan on INDIA
[#] -=[Pr4th4m 0ne Man Army]=- [#] Lolzz.. Pr4th4m Was Here…!!! Don’t forget it….!! [#] One more time i’ll visit ur site.. [#] Reason : HackeD for revenge of 13 July terrorist attack on INDIA by pk…!! [#] Message: You got pawned by 17 yrs old guy… [#] Jay Hind, Jay Maharashtra..!! ======================================================================
[#] LovE to : M.C.A | Indi Hex | T|RA | Ap3x_nd_Hack0 | Indishell