A New Zealand based web development and hosting company has become victims to hackers after its main site and webhost site was hacked and left defaced. The company is web mate www.webmate.co.nz and the hosting website appeared to look just like the main website but on a different domain /webmatehost.co.nz. The attack happened earlier today some time and was uploaded to the zone-h website along with 2 other NewZealand based websites. The attacks have been carried out by a hacker using the handle NoEntryPhc.
Opps ! Your site is down!!! C:> Cls.exe . . . . . . I’m in your site now 😀 .. [+] Hacked By NoEntryPhc [-] 3-M4!l3 :[email protected] !! o_0 !! [+] Dont panic Admin !. [-] Your website is not secure !!!! [+] Die Like The Rest ..!!! [+] Gr33tz : PhantomCrews, Dragonforce, Defacer terminal and YOU !!! | [+] Thx to admin because read this message 😀 NoEntryPhcWas Here …
The other sites that have been hacked are thedetail.co.nz which appeared to be a empty index before the defacement, walknz.co.nz which appears to redirect to a government information site about walks around New Zealand. All sites have the same defacements and all were still active at time of publishing. All mirrors can be found here