More than 48hrs on from the first attacks for #5Nov the anonymous hacktivist are still pushing out leaked data from breached websites. One of these is Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the document that has been leaked is information related to the Ginna nuclear research facility and research they have been doing. The document is a first draft and appears to be from 2009 so most likely is all irrelevant data to current time. The leak is a 26 mb PDF file which appears to also be free of any nastiness (virus scan results).
Lets start with; Among the treasure trove of documents, user info, and other lulzy items we have a leak of information from their nuclear program. We know your secrets, here is a little teaser:
They have also released a very small dump of shall accounts on the server but they have stated they will not be attacking this further and no damage has been done due to the fact people need this service for issues like hurricane sandy.
Now, I wont hack, because of hurricane sandy, but that is no excuse for you to have poor security. Take care Anon’s caught up in the storm, and shout-out to the Ocuupy Movement for helping out over there when
More stuff to come shortly.