A few weeks ago we did a small post on a new operation that was being carried out by a Xlegionhackers member. The operation was dubbed #Opleak and was originally aimed at leaking over 100 databases to raise awareness in lack of security. How ever since then they have changed that and are now aiming for over 1000 sites. The attacks on the websites are not leaking massive critical data and they are not very high profile or well known sites but they have been proving what most already know, and that is that 99.9% of websites have no security or protection from cyber attacks. Some of the attacks have resulted in accounts, personal information and other related data being leaked with a total of 8,421 emails being found so far in 135 breaches. Most of the attacks have been carried out by SQLi and the attacks so far have hit America, united kingdom, Australia, Israel and many other country based websites. The main attacker in this operation so far is @XTnR3v0LT Full operation Statistics
135 Sites breached as #OpLeak pushes on
Category: Breach Incidents