A hacker using the handle @OsamaTheGod who is apart of a newer UGNazi collective @NaziGods has attacked and left Panasonic Brazil with a new file on the server in the form of a defacement. It also appears that earlier @UGBrazil also accessed and defaced this site with a file named UG.html being uploaded. The Panasonic site that got breached is the official Panasonic for Brazil and the defacement was uploaded to a directory called ims but when visited it redirects to http://osamathegod.tk/ much like the style that the original Ugnazis used.
@OsamaTheGod has also released a doc for usa.gov (https://pastebin.com/JDH13hJW) but more interestingly they have made claim that @NaziGods are responsible today’s early downtime for Search giant Google and social media giant facebook who have both been reported to have issues. The attacks are said to be done with a custom tool going by the name "TheHolocaust" and a 0day but when asked for more proof none was offered. They announced the attacks via twitter and its also been said that twitter may infact be next. > We took down gmail. We created a tool that exploits a #0day. @hackread @thehackernews. Reply for details. #NoBotnet #Skill #NaziGods — NG (@NaziGods) December 10, 2012
We just fired on facebook.com using the same 0day as with gmail. Twitter you are next. #NaziGod. Cyber war is declared @youranonnews — NG (@NaziGods) December 10, 2012
Both pastebin post appear to include a heap of server and network information for Panasonic and the gov sites but no real critical data is leaked. At time of publishing Panasonic was still affected from both @ugbrazil and @Nazigods