Once again one of the worlds most recognised university’s has been hacked. Harvard has become a target many times over the years and @D35m0nd142 has proven once again they are still failing to ensure that security is up to scratch. @D35m0nd142 has posted a paste on pastebin that contains database login information which has been censored to prevent further damage to the system. As well as this they have uploaded two pictures that show new article additions by @D35m0nd142 that have resulted from the breach. The breach has happened on a sub domain that is for The Gordon McKay & Blue Hill Libraries (https://library.seas.harvard.edu/).
At time of publishing the Library site was displaying the below message.
So its clear they now understand such security issues but it will only be time before it happens again to another Harvard based site. Source: Pastebin
Harvard Hacked Again by @D35m0nd142
Category: Breach Incidents