A hacker using the handle Libero @LIberoamericaMu has been hacking sites today in the name of Stopping pollution #OpStopPollution. The attacks have been carried out over the past 4hrs and all sites still appear to be defaced. The defacement comes with no real message besides a smoke stack and stop sign image.
The sites are mainly Romanian based but a Chinese and Taiwan site has been hacked to 1. https://www.hcc-romania.ro/
2. https://sistemeglisante.ro/
3. https://www.reazem.ro/
4. https://www.profileroplasto.ro/
5. https://besa-constructii.ro/
6. https://besarogroup.ro/
7. https://catalinsilegeanu.ro/
8. https://hidrogrup.ro/index.html
9. https://www.everenergy.com.tw/eip/mensaje.php
10. https://www.jinfeihong.com.cn/
10 Sites hacked by Libero for #OpStopPollution
Category: Breach Incidents