Turkish Ajan hacker group @TurkishAjan has today announced a large leak of accounts from another Taiwan based company following the attacks on Mcdonalds this week already. The announcement came in the early hours of Easter morning and the target this time the official MTV for Taiwan. The hacker group has announced the breach via social media and it appears the attack has been carried out by members Maxney and xXM3HM3TXx > Mtv Taiwan Hacked. 500+k account. File: goo.gl/B829n goo.gl/SAkpz goo.gl/9rYQl #hack @hackread @ehackernews — TurkishAjan Official (@TurkishAjan) March 30, 2013
The website that has been breached appears to belong to a subdomain for an unknown site (hello.mtv.com.tw) and is a an official website for MTV Taiwan and at time of publishing the site was still defaced. The leaked data has been uploaded to speedyshare.com again in the form of a compressed rar file totalling 32.56 MB and when uncompressed it contains a folder and 3 files that total well over 230MB.
The folder contains the raw sql from the breached database while the three text files contains 607286 account details that contain users full name, email addresses and login credentials as well as other site related information. All user login credentials have sadly been stored in clear text. Earlier in the week Turkish ajan hacker group had breached the official Taiwan Mcdonalds and leaked over 200,000 accounts and in the past we have seen them attack other high profile companies like asus, casio and others.