A relatively new twitter account that appears to be supporting the well known group Al-Qaeda @AlQaedaHackers has been very active over the easter weekend posting many different sites that have been breached. The breached sites come from many different countries such as Philippines, Iran, Thailand, Syria and all have suffered either defacement’s or downtime as a result of the breaches. The sites attacked are mostly government based sub domains for the said countries. The attacks appeared to start Easter Saturday and continuing to happen as i type this.
**Some of the sites that have been tango down earlier in the day are still currently offline and only two of the defaced sites are still active at time of publishing. Only one of the current defacement’s have a message which reads as below.
do NoT Play With Me AGa!N Your site waz hacked No damage waz caused in this hack!! .. I don’t intend to harm this server or cause any problems at all.. instead, I’d like to improve its security SeCuRiTy Is NoNe FoR Me !! SoRrY Admin But You Don’t HaVe Any SeCuRiTy iN YoUr WeB Site …. Don’t Say No Or StOp Please,.. No More Security ….. ]
The defacement’s have been claimed out and archived by a few different hackers on Zone-h and there is no real confirmation that this is indeed official Al-Qaeda so the main media can stop the worry right away. There is also one defacement which claims to be from hackers who are apart of Group XP who last year made headlines when thousands of account details were being leaked. Gallery of attacks: **Sites defaced:**1. https://cobi.gov.ir – still defaced – mirror
2. https://specp.go.th – still defaced – mirror
3. https://kiangan.gov.ph – removed – mirror
4. https://www.camiguin.gov.ph – removed – mirror
5. https://www.ndrrmc.gov.ph/x.htm – removed – mirror
6. https://cda.gov.ph -removed – mirror
7. https://lto.gov.ph -removed – mirror
8. https://www.mosports.gov.mm/ -removed – mirror
9. https://science-ingenieur.com/index.php – removed – mirror
**Sites Tango down:**1. https://www.irrigation.gov.sy/
2. https://www.mosal.gov.sy/
so only time will tell if this is in fact Al-Qaeda so sit back and enjoy whatever is coming from this group over the coming days/weeks/months.