A long going operation dubbed #Opliberation has today announced a leak of [personal information](https://pastebin.com/XE8eMXMZ) also known as a dox on various staff members from WWASP controlled “Academies”. The Operation has been [going since 2011](https://www.cyberwarnews.info/2011/08/27/anonymous-opliberation-help-teenagers-who-are-abused-and-mistreated/) with information being released on staff members, ddos and [defacements ](https://www.cyberwarnews.info/2012/07/02/oak-creek-ranch-school-hacked-defaced-for-opliberation-by-anonymous/)on some of the sites for the academies and schools that have become targets due to the way children are treated when in the care of them.  The dox comes with a simple message from the anonymous hacktivist which has targeted 8 different WWASP controlled schools.
> These targets are schools still left open which are run by the WWASP. If you haven’t looked into the WWASP and the TTI yet, please do so before reading this dox.
Targets: 1. ABM Family Preparatory
2. Cross Creek Programs
3. Gulf Coast Academy
4. Horizon Academy
5. Old West Academy
6. Pillars of Hope
7. Red River Academy
8. Sunset Bay Academy
The personal information leaked in the doxs contains peoples names, contact phone numbers, full addresses and locations and other work related information. On another note @Opliberation1 has made a mention to me that @SIAOrganization will be doing a convention on the 6th that will have survivors there, follow SIA for more information on this.