UPDATED: Credibility of this leak and the hackers is questionable as it has been pointed out this is duplicated data Today a hacker from Syria has announced a leak of data that comes form one of britains and the worlds most well known and biggest news site, The Times (https://www.thetimes.co.uk/). wiki The leak comes from @SyriaHighFlyer who posted the data to anonpaste.me and announced it from twitter a short time ago. > The Times Newspaper Database #Leaked anonpaste.me/anonpaste2/ind… @cyber_war_news @hackread @ehackernews — Syrian High Flyers (@SyriaHighFlyers) April 26, 2013
The leak contains only a 1 line message which reads “Reason: We defend our Country to Social media liers ” as well as 5231 account details of the sites users which contain usernames, email address and clear text passwords and have been stored in a database with prefixed tables of vch.  At time of publishing the @SyriaHighFlyers account had only posted a two tweets, one of which was this leak so it will be interesting to see if this follows on to be something bigger. Source: [Anonpaste](https://www.anonpaste.me/anonpaste2/index.php?c2ca91f441e1b6d2#uPSl6XLnq6WCx25oHsSGCyBfzyYVSUe8fGNT8w8ftJ8=)