One of the worlds largest Hardware companies MSI has been breached in its official Taiwan server by well known hacker group Turkish Ajan Hacker Group. The attack was announced just a very short time ago from twitter by the official Turkish Ajan Hacker group twitter account @TurkishAjan which had posted a leak of information and a link to a few very recent defaced sites on the official MSI Taiwan servers.
MSI, which is short for Micro-Star International is well known for its gaming laptops, computers and motherboards and videos cards as well as a range of other products.
MSI is one of the world’s largest motherboard and video card manufacturers. In addition, MSI also manufactures a wide range of products including notebooks, gaming laptops, All-in-One PCs, servers/workstations, industrial PCs, household appliances, car infotainment products, barebone systems and communication devices among other things.
The leaked data has been uploaded to Speedyshare as a 4.3MB compressed rar file which when uncompressed contains 10 XLS Documents that range from internal information to full customer and client details. The hackers have also left 6 MSI sub domains with defacement’s All of which appear to still be live at time of publishing. The defaced domains include 4 from the Taiwan ccTLD and 2 from the .com TLD but all have had the same defacement spread across them and appear to be called the same way. – – Archive
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- Other archives.
Defacement example. The leaked data range from user names, email addresses, encrypted passwords and other account information and personal details of businesses and companies who have purchased or use MSI based products. All together there is actually well over 50,000 personnel records. Example of users.xls
Example of Rltusers.xls
This attack just adds another one to the list alongside LG, Gigabyte, Avast, CISCO, MTV, Mcdonald’s and many more that Turkish Ajan Hacker Group has hacked over the past 12months. See all the Previous attacks here Also before anyone says any different here is proof its the real MSI owned site.
Links: – Maxn3ys Zone-h