On the 20th of may 2013 a very sad event happened in Oklahoma which has seen many people killed and injured and suffering greatly. Sadly this is the exact type of thing that a certain group likes to gain on and that group is Westboro baptist church who has a very long history of doing outrageous things when tragedies like this happen. It appears that just 1 day after the tornado struck Moore Westboro had taken it upon themselves to register the domain godhatesoklahoma.com.
In light of this well known hacker @th3j35t3r has taken control of the site leaving it defaced with an embedded iframe of the red cross disaster relief website after it redirects from the above screen.
ITs good to see when hackers use their skills for good which is not uncommon for th3j35t3r who recently also exposed many friends and supports of the Boston bombers and has also had a long running history fighting with other groups who have done outrageous things in the past. Some tweets from > #WBC before it completely balked under load, on the 8th day God created hackers, he saw that it was good: goo.gl/wyWzY #oklahoma — JΞSTΞR™(@th3j35t3r) May 22, 2013
> ICYMI: .godhatesoklahoma.com server is now down, but here’s a google cache of what it looked like: [goo.gl/UgVtW](https://t.co/zYfezWk2Nh “https://goo.gl/UgVtW”) [#oklahoma](https://twitter.com/search/%23oklahoma) — JΞSTΞR™(@th3j35t3r) [May 23, 2013](https://twitter.com/th3j35t3r/status/337543817722986496)
At time of publishing the defacement was still going live as you can see here and a cache here