A hacker using the handle slacker @sl4ck3 has contacted cwn with a recent breach on the European Police College site. (CEPOL) European Police College website(https://www.cepol.europa.eu/) was breached some time around the 26th may by hackers using the Zone-h name omarxarmy who have been using the defacement archive site just over 1 year now.
CEPOL brings together senior police officers across Europe with the aim to encourage cross-border cooperation in the fight against crime, maintenance of public security and law and order. It has been running training activities since 2001.
The breach on the site has left a new file being added to the administrator section back on the 26th of may and was still live. The defacement on the added file which is name slacker.html is the same content as seen on the rest of omarxarmy’s profile on Zone-h. The hackers have also uploaded a file to pastebin which contains a list of databases on the sites server as well as uploading a sql dump from the site to mediafire which is a 5.97mb sql file and was uploaded at 2013-05-31 16:00:37. In the uploaded file contains 1 database mdl_user which contains just over 14,000 user and administrator account credentials such as user names, emails, user levels and some encrypted passwords although it appears most passwords have the value of "not cached".
In the pastebin file comes a short message which reads "@MohamadAlarefe AND MuJAHDEEN (Al-Qusayr, Syria)" of which according to the free dictionary MuJAHDEEN means "one who fights in a jihad, active participle of j
hada" and @MohamadAlarefe is a University Professor. A lot of the emails from the leak do relate to police domains or police related domain names from different country’s around the world. At time of publishing the defacement file was still live. mirror: https://zone-h.org/mirror/id/19833105