Last week a hacker using the handle @st0rmyw0rm breached a site named Lookitsme and leaked data from its database. Tonight when looking i noticed that the breached website was redirecting to an offline.html which had a link to the facebook page of the website. On the page it appears that the administrator has announced on the 30th may that they have had a breach of data.
AS you can see they have not been able to "definite proof" that the breach happened. This is a becoming a common comment from sites that are being breached. The Lookitsme site has actually been taken offline while they do a complete system rebuild and move of data to new servers. They also say they will be giving back lost days to certain customers so this breach has had a bit of a collateral damage from a simple SQLi on a small business or website.
They also posted a further update on the page on the 1st of June followed by another on the 5th stating they will be "reopening tomorrow".
The paste that was posted to pastebin has been removed to and at time of publishing the site was still offline.
Update on Lookitsme Breach, Statement and updates
Category: Breach Incidents