Over the past week there has been huge tension building about the NSA and the way it gets Intel. Its come to light from main stream media that the NSA is said to be working along side some of the worlds biggest social networking websites to extract and mine data for Intel. This alone has caused a great deal of attention from those who are worried about the privacy breach being carried out in the name of intelligence gathering. Its really unclear exactly how deep this goes and who is actually helping them out but its been a well known fact that it does happen for some time now.
This week some documents have come to light which are said to be secret NSA documents which talk about the Intel program PRISM and another dubbed GIG. The documents have been first leaked from https://thedocs.hostzi.com/ which is just a directly listing the downloadable documents which come in power point, docx and pdf file formats.
Anonymous have now put together an announcement message which links to the original files as well as 4 other mirrors of them.
Anonymous has obtained some documents that "they" do not want you to see, and much to "their" chagrin, we have found them, and are giving them to you. These documents prove that the NSA is spying on you, and not just Americans. They are spying on the citizens of over 35 different countries. These documents contain information on the companies involved in GiG, and Prism. Whats GiG you might ask? well… The GIG will enable the secure, agile, robust, dependable, interoperable data sharing environment for the Department where warfighter, business, and intelligence users share knowledge on a global network that facilitates information superiority, accelerates decision-making, effective operations, and Net-Centric transformation. Like we said, this is happening in over 35 countries, and done in cooperation with private businesses, and intelligence partners world wide. We bring this to you, So that you know just how little rights you have. Your privacy and freedoms are slowly being taken from you, in closed door meetings, in laws buried in bills, and by people who are supposed to be protecting you. Download these documents, share them, mirror them, don’t allow them to make them disappear. Spread them wide and far. Let these people know, that we will not be silenced, that we will not be taken advantage of, and that we are not happy about this unwarranted, unnecessary, unethical spying of our private lives, for the monetary gain of the 1%.
Anonymous hacktivist have also leaked a list of NSA agents and people working along side the NSA email addresses only after they claimed to of made a custom scraper to get them from an unknown website. Some of the emails are said to belong to bill gates, Adrian lamo and other noteable names. Emails: https://pastebin.com/HjQ8fBTA