Today an Anonymous hacker who uses the handle @G3NTbl4ck has announced a leak of data from an Australia based Security Firm named SIG. SIG which is short for Security Intelligence Group has its head office based in Western Australia and provides services like risk management to corporations around the world. The hacker announced the breach a short time ago from their twitter account and posted the leaked data to pastebin.
The leak which comes with a short message and statement that claims this as an Anonymous hack which has been done in part to "Smash the corporate surveillance state".
H4CK3d by Anonymous oHai… Security Intelligence Group… #LULZ on you not so secure are we? Anonymous is here for the Revolution and to smash the corporate surveillance state …but also for t3h Lulz…so from #FuckYouSec to you… with much disgust and dissent FUCK YOU and Fuck The Pigs you work for…thats you –> …also there is hopefully some more on the way….too late to fight it na0 faggots …also cocks
Leaked data from the breach contains 2 administrator accounts with user names, real names, email addresses and encrypted passwords. There is also other data from what appears to either be clients or partners with mostly contact details such as addresses, phone numbers and names being leaked. Last week G3NTbl4ck released data from another Surveillance company named Vislink and the release message from this one suggests that there is more to come and possibly from further Australian based sites.