Paymast’r Services, part of FSV Payment Systems in Florida, is notifying consumers about a breach involving an unnamed service provider. The unauthorized access to the provider’s site occurred in July and was discovered on August 2. In an unsigned letter to those affected, they write:
Paymast’r Services provided you with a PaychekPLUS! payroll card (your “Payroll Card”) issued by MetaBank on which you currently or previously have received wage payments.
We recently learned that between July 22nd and July 28th, 2013, an unauthorized third party gained access to a website hosted by one of our service partners and was able to access personal information about you, which may have included your name, address, Social Security number, driver’s license number and Payroll Card number.
Upon discovery, the site was shut down and a detailed forensic investigation commenced. Based on their investigation, Paymast’r Services does not believe that any unauthorized activity occurred on the Payroll Card accounts, but they did offer those affected free credit monitoring and credit restoration services through Kroll Advisory Solutions.