Yet again a web based game community has become the victim of hackers who have breached its system and leaked 38,000 login credentials. The community and website is Pixel Federation ( which was founded in 2007 and is based in Slovakia. The site is very popular amongst gamers in Europe who play mobile and web based games which is why this breach will have an effect on so many people as many of the accounts will still be actively used. A source close to me tipped me off to this breach after they discovered it and also released they had been caught up in it. When they first visited the site on monday 17.04 UTC they discovered the website was offline displaying a maintenance message then at 19.01 UTC the following warning message was displayed on the portal ( which appears to of already been removed.
My contact has also stated that the message has still only been displayed on the sites portal and no further announcement or emails for password resets etc have been made by pixel federation. The leaked data was posted to pastebin with a link to another site where the actual dump is by a hacker who’s twitter account is now suspended (@smitt3nz). The credentials leaked contain user email addresses, site id and MD5 encrypted passwords totally 38,036 all together.
The sites system is made up of old software like outdated phpbb forums and old versions of WordPress so its no wonder this has happened. I have contacted the administration of this site but at time of publishing no response from them as yet. If you are a member of this site i suggest you change your passwords anywhere else that you use it and possible other places just for safe measure. The hacker has also recently attacked the UK council for graduate education and leaked data and left it defaced.
Pixel Federation Hacked, 38,000 User Credentials Leaked
Category: Breach Incidents