A hacker who uses the handle @SQLiNairb has announced a leak of data from a well known Nazi Parties website. The breach is on the The National-Socialist Party of Canada official website (https://nspcanada.nfshost.com/) and was breached with a very simple GET based MySQL injection. The website which hosts information is really nothing important but considering the user accounts of all its members and administration is now leaked its fair to say they should take extra care now. A partial dump was posted to pastebin and the full dump which contains 5 database extractions nspcanada, wordpress, wordpress2, mysql, db_meinkampf_en. A complete scan of the system locates 1,356 user accounts with email addresses but there is also a few MySQL credentials with encrypted passwords and other administrator credentials without email addresses. The partial leak posted to pastebin contains a short 1 line message or statement* "Racists, fascists, and hate-mongers beware, nairb is here ;)". *The full leak was announced not to long after the partial leak and was uploaded to mirrorcreator. Personal credentials leaked consist of Passwords, email addresses, user names.
The National-Socialist Party of Canada Hacked, Credentials Leaked
Category: Breach Incidents