Updated below with basic analysis of the data. Today Russian hacktivist @Rucyborg has announced a big leak of files from Russian Defence Export ROSOBORONEXPORT (https://www.roe.ru/). The leak was announced just a short time ago from twitter and has been posted to cyberguerrilla. The leaked files are just the first part of a few to come from the Russian government. The attacks have been carried out due to the recent drama Putin is causing and the Russian hackers have stated they do not want any war all they want to do is expose Putin and his government for what they are. they have also stated that leaks from Sukhoi, Oboronprom, Gazflot, Rusal and others. The leaked data has been uploaded to bayfiles as a 488MB rar file and a preview of the leaked documents has also been provided. **UPDATES: ** Upon checking this leak i did a scan with AVG and came up with the below detection.
The detection has been anaylised and detected in the past on 2013-12-19 09:23:10 as on virus total with a 44/50 detection ratio. The data leaked is related to parts ordered and quotations from the Russian air-force, division of military technical, Hindustan Aeronautics Limted (HAL), documents from cosmoo travels ltd about flight costs in and out of Russia, Russian delegates information with full passport details as well as copies of those passports in image format. Full files list has been added to the gallery.
Org Post:
Russian Cyber Command Transmission 001HINDSUKHOI02 Dobry Vecher Comrads! Taken into consideration recent Russian Government dillusional attempts to start WWIII, WE – Free from Putin – people of Russian Federation – Free computer renegades and outlaws from IT Security – have decided to initiate a true domestic CyberWAr on Russian Military Enterprises and Eventually we shall deliver critical infrastructure companies on which Russian Putin’s Empire (foked in da head) stands on. To cut the crap short – today we deliver ROSOBORONEXPORT and it’s department dealing with sales to INDIA. Followin BRICS countries. We’ve managed to hack into Indian Embassy in Moscow and eventually sent an infected letter to Mr.Saprykin (his Passport is attached) CEO of ROSOBORONEXPORT. ”’greetz to Zhenya Kaspersky – his soft didnt work”’ lulz Same way we have infected SUKHOI, OBORONPROM, GAZFLOT, RUSAL and VELES CAPITAL and many others but we shall deliver them right after this very first leak. Including large Russian Telecom providers and FSB electronic spy companies spread across Russia and registered in offshore zones. This is real, no bullcrap, no playing dumbass games with this lunatic REGIME. RUSSIA has to be free from Lunatics! We support our brothers from Anonymous and LulzSec. HI 5 to TPB! IMAGE PREVIEW of the inside: https://imgur.com/a/DyZpK Link to archive containing ~1000 pdf and docs from ROE: https://bayfiles.net/file/18nWT/NHiWky/rusarms.rar Please torrent or mirror since the FSB will try to shutdown all the links. And watch this great one while downloading – We dedicate it to Mr.Putin!