Jon Bowman reports:
DENVER — In Park Hill … the new Smiley Middle School Campus is getting ready for classes to begin, but amid all the cleaning up, someone threw out boxes of student records with all types of personal information, including birth certificates, which were supposed to be stored.
When FOX31 Denver showed up Monday morning at the school, Principal Kurt Dennis was out back doing some dumpster diving himself, checking to see what records were inside the roll-off dumpster.
“We think some of our volunteers somehow mixed up the records with boxes of trash and dumped them in the garbage,” said Kurt Dennis. “We safeguard all student information but somehow a mistake occurred.”
Read more on KWGN.
h/t, @PrivacyRightsIL
… or someone realized how much time/money it would cost to have these shredded and came up with this solution?
Also the words volunteers and sensitive information in one sentence is a red flag to me.